Saturday, July 27, 2024
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airline information research
  • Public Charter Prospectuses Updated

  • Lufthansa - EU-US Codesharing with Thai Airways (Boston-Frankfurt/Munich)

  • Establishment of Slot Exemption Proceeding at DCA - Motion of United for Leave to File and Supplemental Comments - "DOT Separated the Slot Allocation Process from the Exemption Allocation Process for Good Reason - Slot Allocation will Require Flexibility from Carriers and Not the Rigid Approach that JetBlue has Suggested" / Reqquest of JetBlue for DOT to Not Allow Unauthorized Filing of United - "United had Ample Opporunity to Address Substantive Issues During the Authorized Comment Period and in Response to JetBlue's July 10 Motion, But it Did Not Do So When it Had the Opportunity...JetBlue Urges DOT to Not Allow United's Unauthorized 14-Page Submission to Distract it from Issuing a Prompt Final Order in this Proceeding"

  • Planet Service - Renewal and Extension of Aircraft Lease and Air Service Arrangement and Request for Confirmation of Existing Exemption (NBA Charters via Delta)

  • Establishment of Slot Exemption Proceeding at DCA - Comments of Alaska Air / Consolidated Response of American / Comments of Delta / Comments of Frontier Airlines / Consolidated Answer of JetBlue / Consolidated Answer of Southwest / Consolidated Answer of Spirit Airlines / Consolidated Comments of United

  • Alaska Air and Hawaiian Airlines - Interim Exemption to Operate Under Common Ownership Upon Acquisition of Hawaiian's Corporate Parent by Alaska's Corporate Parent / Transfer of International Route Authorities

  • 2024/2025 US-China Charter Authorizations - August 1, 2024-July 31, 2025

  • Delta and SAS - Polling Results (US-Scandinavia and Beyond and Intra-Europe Codesharing) - "JetBlue Has Not in its Objetions Identified the EU Member States Involved, Indicated Why the Codeshare Approvals it Seeks Have Not Yet Been Granted by Member States Involved, or Explained Why Delays on its Approvals Should Impede DOT's Prompt Consideration and Grant of Delta-SAS Applications"

  • FAA Proposes $400,00 Civil Penalty Against Kalitta Air - FAA Press Release

  • June 2024 Codeshare Report

  • DCA Slot Exemptions - Objection of United to Motion of JetBlue - "By JetBlue's Flawed Logic, Every Single Application, Including Theirs, Would be Guilty of Presenting Connectivity and Time-of-Day Benefits that are Speculative at Best, Thereby Leading to What JetBlue Melodramatically Calls 'a Flawed Evidentiary Record.' It is as if JetBlue is Trying to Rewrite the Rules of the Game Mid-Play, Hoping no one Notices the Glaring Inconsistencies in Their Own Arguments"

  • DCA Slot Exemptions - Motion of JetBlue to Disqualify United from Consideration - "There is No Legal Manner for DOT to Consider, Let Alone Grant, United's Primary Application. United's Non-Compliance with the DOT Notice Prejudices JetBlue and Other Carriers in This Proceeding"

  • Hai Au Aviation - Vietnam-US Charter Passenger

  • US-Domincan Republic - Memorandum of Consultations Signed June 28, 2024

  • Establishment of Slot Exemption Proceeding at DCA - Delta (DCA-Seattle) / Frontier (DCA-San Juan) / JetBlue (DCA-San Juan) / Southwest (DCA-Las Vegas-Sacramento) / Spirit (DCA-San Jose) / United (DCA-San Francisco) / Alaska Air (DCA-San Diego)

  • EAS at Presque Isle, ME - Consolidated Answer of JetBlue - "Does Not Believe the 'Arguments' put Forth by United and SkyWest Have Any Merit Whatsoever" - "SkyWest has Singlehandedly Done More to Undermine the EAS Program Than Any Other Airline in History Since Deregulation. It is Beyond Credulity for SkyWest to Offer Public Policy Advice on EAS to DOT"

  • Newark Schedules / EAS at Presque Isle, ME - JetBlue Request for Retirement of FAA Authorizations for United - "Now that United is Ending Service on this EAS Route, FAA Has a Perfect Opportunity to Reduce Congestion at EWR, as United States it Also Seeks To Do, by Informing United These Four Operating Authorizations will be Permanently Retired"

  • Enhancing Transparency of Airline Ancillary Service Fees - DOT Denying Request of Spirit Airlines for Stay of Effective Date - "Spirit's Letter Repeatedly Mischarachterizes the Scope and Directive of the Rule...Spirit's Novel Claim that, '[l]ow-fare new entrants are a favored class under the ADA,' is Without Merit"

  • EAS at Presque Isle, ME - Petition of SkyWest for Reconsideration of Order Selecting JetBlue - "Selection of JetBlue...Might be Best Considered a "Safety Net"...EAS Program Demands More. Deeply Concerned by DOT's Clear Divergence from the Fundamental Purpose of EAS"